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Next Cohort Starts October 22nd

Checklist-Online Premier Personal Trainer October 2019


Welcome to Life Time Academy! We are exited for you to join us for the Online Premier Personal Trainer course. Please ensure you have completed the below items so you are ready for your online class to begin on Monday, October 14!

Questions? Contact us! (p) 952.401.2672 (e)

You should have received your Enrollment Agreement via email. Please complete and sign your agreement to register for your classes.

Book purchase is the responsibility of the student and was not included in the tuition cost. Please follow the instructions provided to order your materials.

  • Purchase textbook at
    • Search for text by ISBN: 9781284160086
      • Title: NASM Essentials of Personal Training, 6th Edition
      • Author: National Academy of Sports Medicine

Life Time Academy values your commitment to your education! To provide you with the best experience, we subsidize a Diamond-level Student Membership to Life Time for every student*.

Your Student Membership provides you access to Life Time Facilities and classes. Additionally, your Membership dues account is where your tuition transactions are charged. PLEASE NOTE: You will need to update your payment information for successful payment of your tuition. See 'Finalize Tuition Payment Method' for more information.

To learn more, choose the membership option that represents your current status.

  • Non-existing Life Time Members and Life Time Members on a FAMILY or COUPLE Membership
    • Complete the Online Registration HERE
  • Life Time Members on a SINGLE or *EMPLOYEE Membership,
    • You do not need to complete any additional steps. You will receive an email confirmation regarding any changes to your membership prior to the start of class.
    • *Employee memberships will not be converted as your membership is included with employment.

Within your Enrollment Agreement, you have chosen to either pay your tuition:

  • In full


  • Monthly Payment Arrangement (3 months, paid the 15th of each month)

Your payment is processed via the membership dues payment method on file within your Life Time Membership. To update your payment method, please contact Student Services at 952.401.2672.

  • Online Course. You will have access to your online course Monday, October 14. You will have weekly reading, assignments and quizzes you will need to complete.
    • Log On To Student Account:
      • Go To:
      • Username: Your email address
      • Password: LTAcademy.123 (your password is case sensitive. You will be prompted to select a new password upon your first login).
      • Review Your Course. You will have access online course on October 14.
  • Virtual Webinars. Your Online Instructor hosts a weekly webinar. The link to attend is found in your online course.
    • WHEN:
      • Tuesdays 8-9pm (CST)
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